Life Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

LIFE Groups are a special type of group for members of the church. It is a group that incorporates fellowship, worship, bible study, group discussion, and prayer. It edifies and builds up the members through relationships with other Christians.  We live the Christian life together!

Our LifeGroups

Morgan & Patricia Fox LifeGroup  |  Sunday @1:00 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? – Sunday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 1:00 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – Morgan and Patricia are the son-in-law and daughter of Pastor Bill. They met in Dallas while attending seminary and have been married for 3 years. Their focus is to grow in close relationships with all who attended their group so they can in turn grow in relationship to God. They love to live life with those who attend.
What does your LifeGroup do when they meet? – Group will start with a meal. We will then move into a time of going around and celebrating the things that have happened in our lives this week. We then have a time of about 30 minutes where we spend some time focused on the word or worship in some way. We then will take prayer requests and pray as a group. The group will “end” between 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, but members are invited to stay after to play games if they like.

Danny & Tracie Pape LifeGroup  |  Sunday @6:00 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? – Sunday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 6:00 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – I have been married for 26 years to Tracie. We have two young adult sons making us empty nesters for the last 3 years. We have been members of SRC since 2019. This is my first time as an adult Life Group leader. I taught Sunday School at a previous Church to 7th-grade boys for 3 years. I am in the process of getting into the Ministry.
What does your life group do when they meet? – We have discussions about past sermons and life struggles.

Scott & Maria McMahon LifeGroup  |  Tuesday @7:00 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? – Tuesday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 7:00 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – My wife Maria and I have been members at Solid Rock Church for 7 years. We have been life group leaders for about 3 years. Our life group is a family within the Solid Rock Church family. Getting to know each other, share with one another and grow in the lord together has been a special blessing for Maria and me through life groups.
What does your life group do when they meet? –  We start our life group meetings with a prayer. We usually have a little something to eat (of course!!) we have a “Topic” each week that we discuss and relate to the bible. The topic can be anything from the Sunday sermon to a word from a devotional. We have done a wide variety of subjects from colors, eagles, cisterns, or any topic someone would like to discuss. We look up bible verses and talk about the subject we’ve chosen. We close our meetings with prayer requests and praise reports. We try to keep our life group meetings to an hour. Tuesday life group is always a blessing!! 

Randy & ML Goldsmith LifeGroup  |  Wednesday @6:00 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? – Wednesday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 6:00 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – Enjoy Bible Study.  Fellowshipping with other believers.
What does your life group do when they meet? – Bible Study

Dave & Theresa Ryle LifeGroup  |  Thursday @6:15 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? –Thursday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 6:15 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – Members of Solid Rock Church since 2018. Almost empty nesters, that live in the Hilliard area of San Marcos.
What does your life group do when they meet? – We start off with bible related discussion. Then if anyone has a question for the group we respond and help on any issue. We use the Bible as a reference when responding. Once question and response time is finished we enjoy some refreshments and talk about life.

Aaron & Alyssa Clutter LifeGroup  |  Friday @6:00 PM

What day does your LifeGroup meet? – Friday
What time does your LifeGroup meet? – 6:00 PM
Tell us about yourself as the leaders? – We joined SRC in 2023, so we are newer to the congregation. We have two young children, Asa and Aubin, and have been married 10 years. We worked with youth and college age students at a previous church from 2010-2022, and we are both very passionate about knowing God and seeking truth in his Word.
What does your life group do when they meet? – We have dinner, fellowship, and have expository style teaching over sections of scripture or specific topics. 

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LifeGroups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different areas, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!