Who is Solid Rock Church?
We are a Bible-based, non-denominational Christian church located on Hunter Road next to Fire Station #3. We are a family church that is multi-ethnic and multi-generational, and our family is made up of college students, professionals, singles, married couples, and children of all ages. Our Sunday service is casual and friendly with worship music, Biblical and applicable teachings, children’s time, and a prayer time.
Solid Rock Church (SRC) was established in 1992 and we were a church plant from Martindale Baptist church. We have always been a church that sees itself as a family. Our goal is to grow in the Lord, impact our community, and share Christ everywhere we go. Jesus is what we offer, and sharing the Bible is what we do. We are not a perfect church, but we worship a perfect God and invite you to be a part of our family.
Our Church Family -> Church - Greek "kuriako's" (belonging to the Lord) and "ekklesia" (assembly of people). We are God's family here on earth. Sinners saved by grace. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgiven but not perfect. Learning how to love one another with God's love. Learning how to love, serve, and worship God with people who are different than I am. Salt and light to a fallen and broken world. Coming home to God is personal.
Solid Rock Church (SRC) was established in 1992 and we were a church plant from Martindale Baptist church. We have always been a church that sees itself as a family. Our goal is to grow in the Lord, impact our community, and share Christ everywhere we go. Jesus is what we offer, and sharing the Bible is what we do. We are not a perfect church, but we worship a perfect God and invite you to be a part of our family.
Our Church Family -> Church - Greek "kuriako's" (belonging to the Lord) and "ekklesia" (assembly of people). We are God's family here on earth. Sinners saved by grace. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Forgiven but not perfect. Learning how to love one another with God's love. Learning how to love, serve, and worship God with people who are different than I am. Salt and light to a fallen and broken world. Coming home to God is personal.

Family of God at Solid Rock Church
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God." - 1 Peter 2:9
Faith in God - Romans 5:1,2
Available to Serve - Joshua 24:14
Meet Together Often - Acts 2:46
Inclusive to All People - Galatians 3:28
Loving God & My Neighbor - Matt 22:37-39
You First Attitude - Matthew 5:41
A typical Sunday Morning is as follows:
9:30 AM - Sunday school Starts (Child care provided)
10:45 AM - Start of Service
Contemporary Worship for 20 minutes
Children are dismissed for Children's Church
Start of Sermon for 25-40 minutes
End with a Prayer time
(Last Sunday of every month has a Church wide Potluck)
Be apart of the Story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:45 AM.